
They found secret room and turn it into a living ...

H ace years, Sarah and Steve moved into their new home in sunny California with her ​​two - year-old. Sarah, a mother and housewife, she realized that a small 4 feet high was at the door, next to what would be your child 's room. When they opened it , they found something completely unexpected (not to mention creepy ) - and a new project that would take two years to see completion.

The small space was a storage room dirty old with a gabled roof. He had a linoleum floor rickety, wooden panels and exposed insulation outdated. Who knows exactly what happened exactly in this teeny-tiny space.

Because of the odd shape and size, Sarah and Steve knew there was no way they could turn this into a functional section of your new home. Therefore, the room comfortable wooden hidden by his son without telling your child about special room was kept abandoned. They do, however, realize space had great potential ...

About a year owning the house, Sarah and Steve decided that it was time to do something with thatsecret room. And when you see it, you'll be stunned ...

When Sarah and Steve bought his home in California, they realized that there was a small door on one side of the room of her two-year-old son.
Horrifying! But, of course, parents were very curious to open that door.

It looked like a sort of abandoned warehouse that had not been touched in decades. But because of the cover to two waters uncomfortable room door and four small feet, there was no way they could turn this into a functional section of your new home.
Rather than tear down a wall to expand the room, Sarah and Steve had something better in mind. But for the moment, that would keep the rickety linoleum floor, wooden panels dated, and the exposed insulation. They kept your child comfortable on the door to make sure it would never know it was there until the right time.

A year later, Sarah and Steve decided to turn the "secret room" as it is now called fourth birthday of his son.

They spent the next year fixing up that covertly working on it, while his son was in school.

Steve destroyed the room and new drywall, wood laminate flooring and molding were installed. He slapped her son would love took on a new coat of paint in a color.
Meanwhile, Sarah worked on the decoration and collect items perfect Ikea.

The room was finally done ... and it was beautiful.

4th birthday of his son, gave clues lead you to the secret room. When he finally reached the comfortable, Mom and Dad helped push him aside.
Of course, his son was surprised and absolutely euphoric. What kid would not want your own super secret place to hang out or hide in?

In "Treasure Room," he found a space just for him to play and relax - with a brand new wooden floor, walls of bright blue, a large map poster, toys, books, and plenty of materials art.

Sarah surprise room quickly went viral. She says her son likes to read and play with her sister in the Treasure Room.

Sarah and Steve gave her four-year-old a gift that will be remembered for his entire childhood. They really made the most of his unexpected discovery!
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